
在很多情况下, telling a story or communicating an idea visually is more important – 和更多的 effective – than doing so any other way. 平面设计师面临的挑战是传达一个想法或唤起一种感觉, or give shape to a concept that may be abstract or complicated to describe. Companies and organizations across industries employ graphic designers to visualize their brand, 提升自己的形象, 使产品或信息具有视觉吸引力, 为一段经历定下基调. As more organizations increasingly rely on digital and social media methods of communication, 对精通数字技术的设计的需求正在上升.



The BFA in Graphic Design is a 120-hour degree program that emphasizes visual storytelling, 艺术和技术精通. The program’s primary focus is on design and design principles – the skills that truly allow students to gain and keep employment as the industry continues to evolve and change. Students work in 状态-of-the-art computer labs with industry-standard software, 他们在哪里学习塑造形象.

Students learn and work with a team of dedicated faculty who are active in the local design community and have worked inter国家ly. 作为项目的一部分, students have an opportunity to get hands-on experience in an approved work environment where they can begin generating professional experience in their field of study.



The Graphic Design program prepares students for a demanding and competitive profession. Dedication to this goal means that the program must be selective in order to offer the best quality opportunity that we can. All students must submit a portfolio for review in order to be admitted to the Graphic Design major. 投资组合s will be reviewed at the end of the first academic year (spring semester).




Students in the Graphic Design program are often recognized for their exceptional talent. 他们的工作得到了地区的认可, 状态, 国家, 国际比赛包括:AIGA Flux, AIGA德州展, DSVC全国学生展览和会议, CMYK杂志, 标志的休息室, 以及美国广告奖.

The Graphic Design Program at the University of the Incarnate would like to congratulate the students that had work selected as finalists for the 2022 American Advertising Awards hosted by the American Advertising Federation – San Antonio (AAF-SA) chapter.

在2月26日举行的宴会上, 2022, 在麦克内艺术博物馆, 宣布了每个类别的获奖者水平. 黄金, 银, 和铜奖, with those winning Student 黄金 and 银 Awards being advanced to District Competition. 学生评委奖也公布了. The students took home 28 awards: 8 黄金, 6 银, 13 Bronze, and 1 Student Judges Award.

里贾纳·德·阿尔巴(BFA, 2024)

  • 银奖学生ADDY Depop广告 (杂志广告-单页(整版或以下))
  • 铜质学生ADDY 奥利维亚书封面 (封面)

伊莎贝尔·莫拉莱斯(BFA, 2024)

  • 铜质学生ADDY 手的语言 (广告元素,插画-活动)

罗斯林·奥利瓦斯(BFA, 2024)

  • 铜质学生ADDY 爵士TX海报 (海报-单张)
  • 铜质学生ADDY 掌握时间小册子 (书设计)


  • 铜质学生ADDY 午夜爵士乐 (海报-单张)
  • 铜质学生ADDY 我们往下走 (广告元素,插画- Single)

Patricia Sarinana (BFA, 2024)

  • 铜质学生ADDY 美丽在厨师的手中 (海报-活动)

Ruby Filoteo (BFA, 2023)

  • 银奖学生ADDY 金色的地面 (文具套装-单件或多件)
  • 银奖学生ADDY 校本 MyShuttle App (应用程式(手机或网页))
  • 铜质学生ADDY La Focaccia Cucina italia (文具套装-单件或多件)

Nour Shamala (BFA, 2023)

  • 金牌学生ADDY 残忍贪婪的 (产品或服务促销、包装)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 筒仓品牌书 (书设计)
  • 银奖学生ADDY 生活-身份和附属品 (文具套装-单件或多件)

菲奥娜·斯威舍(BFA, 2023)

  • 银奖学生ADDY 方舟 (文具套装-单件或多件)
  • 铜质学生ADDY 模型的宣传 (海报-单张)

特雷弗·蒂勒(BFA, 2023)

  • 特别评委奖 自由酒吧商品 (产品或服务促销,购买点)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 自由酒吧商品 (产品或服务促销,购买点)
  • 铜质学生ADDY 过山车海岸标志 (广告元素、标志设计)

杰奎琳·希门尼斯(BFA, 2022)

  • 铜质学生ADDY 爪哇熔岩咖啡公司 (产品或服务促销、包装)

希瑟·奥利瓦里(BFA, 2022)

  • 银奖学生ADDY 健康的 (书-封面)
  • 铜质学生ADDY Healixir (产品或服务促销、包装)

Erika Deleon (BFA, 2021)

  • 金牌学生ADDY 韦斯·安德森丛书 (封面)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 韦斯·安德森丛书 (封面/社论或专题系列)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 韦斯·安德森丛书 (书设计)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 韦斯·安德森丛书 (广告元素,插画- Single)
  • 金牌学生ADDY 生殖权利小册子 (封面/社论或专题系列)

乔斯林·弗洛雷斯(BFA, 2021)

  • 铜质学生ADDY 不要在你的Z信息图上睡觉 (社交媒体-单次执行)



According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas is one of the five 状态s in the U.S. 与工作平面设计师的最高就业水平. 和, with companies and organizations emphasizing their digital and social media presence, professionals who know how to effectively tell stories and communicate efforts well and in visually appealing ways will be in significantly higher demand. 工作平面设计师, 或者在密切相关的领域, also have several 国家 organizations and societies open to their membership. These often offer resources and information to help stay on top of their field, 从不断变化的趋势, 职位空缺, 新技能需求, 和更多的.

Students who graduate, leave the Graphic Design program prepared for a promising career. Here is a short list of recent alumni with careers that range from in-house studios, 设计公司, 当地的广告和营销公司, 区域和国家景观. 工作类型包括印刷,品牌,网站,应用程序. 他们一路去了纽约和中国. We are very proud of our alumni and we are building an amazing alumni network.

  • Jackie Jimenez / 2022级- tribu Design /德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • 乔斯林弗洛雷斯/类2021 -游击服/奥斯汀,得克萨斯州
  • Alejandra Lopez / 2020级- thompson Apps /德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • Charlie Perez / 2020届毕业生. 玛丽大学/圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州
  • 梅丽娜·迪娜/ 2019级-阿特金斯集团/圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州
  • Zaida Zayas / 2019级教练/纽约,纽约州
  • 普雷斯顿·布朗/ 2018届-德克斯南/德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • allison ante / 2018级-迪士尼/加州
  • 悉尼·所罗门/ 2017级heb自有品牌/德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • Marian Davalos / 2016级tribu Design /德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • 爱德华多·华雷斯/ 2016级安德森市场营销/德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥
  • 玛丽亚·卡斯特罗/ 2015级-UTSA /圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州

我们的主要学生组织是AIGA学生组织. 该组织是一个全国性设计行业组织的一部分, 我们与AIGA圣安东尼奥分会合作. It’s a good opportunity for students to build a community within the school and network with the industry.

“With English being my second language, I couldn’t have chosen a better place to go. 不仅, 教授们帮助我过渡了吗, but were also very supportive and willing to give me the extra push that I needed.”
Sofia Guajardo / 2018届毕业生

“The 校本 Graphic Design experience was more than just learning the technical side of my career. 这个项目还帮助我建立了自己的心态和人际关系, 这使得过渡到一份工作比原本容易得多.”
艾莉森·阿罗甘特/ 2018届毕业生

“当我进入这个项目时, I knew practically nothing and I was so worried about how I would perform, 但是教授们非常棒,他们让我知道这很好! 校本 taught me the rules of design so I could follow them and learn how to BREAK THEM. 毕业的时候,我对自己的设计眼光很有信心.”
Emily Ruiz / 2018届毕业生

“我很享受在校本平面设计课程的时光. 在我还是学生的时候, I got the chance to learn different skills within the graphic design discipline, 从传统设计到数字设计的变化. 因为这是一个小程序, 学生得到教师一对一的关注, 我认为这对学生的进步至关重要. At the very end of the program, I got the necessary skills in order to begin my career as a designer.”
Alejandra Lopez / Class 2020

“The 校本 Graphic Design program took what was my passion, and helped me turn it into a career. 课程全面, 以及那些真正伟大的教授, they challenged me in ways that promoted growth both as a designer and as a person. They also provided great extracurricular and social opportunities that led me to great connections, 以及长久的友谊. 利用我在这个项目中获得的工具和技能, I was able to propel my career and find my way into the creative industry.” 
维克多·马丁内斯/ 2021级

“My time in the 校本 GD program has truly shaped me into the person I am today. For those who may not know, I actually began my college career as a Fine Arts major. 而我仍然对绘画这样的事情充满热情, 通过这个项目, I was able to open my interests to something completely new that I grew to love - design. “
杰西卡·比尔/ 2021级

“在uw GD项目帮助我找到了自己在设计界的道路, 当然, 让我成为了一个更好的设计师. 教授们不仅教学出色, 但是他们总是可以帮忙的. 是的,有时候会很艰难,但这是值得的!  Having the opportunity to be a part of the AIGA board expanded my knowledge about making connections and trying new things. GD项目提供了很多资源. 当然,要好好利用它们!”
艾米·阿尔瓦雷斯/ 2022级

The Graphic Design program provides a solid curriculum with hands-on experience and works with 状态-of-the-art industry software. 我们经验丰富的教师帮助培养和发展批判性思想家. 该项目提升了学生的战略思维, 艺术设计技能,并准备他们在平面设计的职业生涯, 交互设计或与视觉传达相关的各个领域.

