
欢迎来到道成肉身的世界大学的法律预科课程. 法律系的 is an interdisciplinary concentration designed to sharpen the skills students need to be successful in law school.


法律是一个迷人而广阔的领域,提供了几十条职业道路. 校本 undergraduate students considering careers in law can tailor their studies to set them on the right path for successful entry into law school.

任何专业的学生都可以在法学院学习,而且成绩优异. 法学院在审查申请者时没有一个专业是重点关注的. 而, 哪些法学院, 以及法律职业, need is well-rounded people who have the keen ability to think critically and write well.

法律预科课程对任何专业都有帮助, 从科学到人文, 在任何研究领域. 政治学课程, 哲学, 交流和英语加强学生对美国的理解.S. 法律制度与政治, 批判性思维, analytical writing and communication skills preparing students for strong performances on the 法学院入学考试(LSAT) and first-year law classes.

除了课程学分, the 法律系的 program hosts events and activities related to the practice of law, 比如模拟法庭比赛, 学生法律预科社团, 参加法学院入学招聘会和会议, 以及法律界人士的演讲.


  • What are the school's education priorities and distinctive characteristics?
  • 教师作为课堂教师的水平如何?
  • 教师和管理人员的平易近人程度如何?
  • 学生们是什么样的?
  • 教师和行政人员如何对待学生?
  • 课程是否足够广泛?
  • 有什么特别的项目,如果有的话?
  • 在校园里是什么感觉?
  • 学校是否提供安全、舒适的学习环境?
  • 学生在律师资格考试中表现如何?
  • 学校在培养学生诚实方面做得如何, 道德, 法律专业的有效成员?
  • How would this school prepare one to practice in a particular area of interest?
  • 图书馆资源充足吗?
  • 成本是多少??
  • 什么经济援助是可用的?
  • 被录取的可能性有多大?
  • 周围社区的性质是什么?
  • Do graduates find suitable employment that is both personally satisfying and of importance to society?
  • What opportunities are there to see and hear national and state leaders in the legal profession?
  • 教师们是积极的榜样吗?
  • 这所学校的声誉是在上升、停滞还是在下降?
  • 校友们对他们的法律教育感觉如何?
  • Size of school and size of individual classes: Would you prefer a larger school with a wider variety of courses, but perhaps with a more impersonal environment and less individual attention from faculty, or do you want a smaller school with a more personal feel and perhaps more faculty interaction, 但是选修课的选择更少了.
  • Location and environment: Do you prefer a large metropolitan area or a smaller city atmosphere? 那么周边地区、生活质量等等呢.?
  • 图书馆和其他设施:什么是图书馆馆藏的质量, 电脑化法律研究服务, 足够的员工, 研究/会议空间, 开放时间?
  • General “personality” of school: What are your impressions from their literature, 你会见的代表? Are you looking for an intense, more competitive environment or more of a community feeling?
  • Special interest areas: combined degree programs; specialized courses, 临床项目, publications or student organizations in your area of interest; part-time or evening programs; early graduation.
  • Student/faculty ratio: A full-time student to full-time faculty ratio of 30:1 or higher is not recommended.
  • Student body: How do you fit in with GPA and LSAT averages of students previously admitted? 学生群体的平衡和多样化程度如何? 学生的士气如何? 学生对学校的运作有意见吗?
  • Faculty diversity: Are they largely all from the same background or relatively diverse with respect to race, 种族背景, 性别? Are they well-balanced in educational experiences or only from the same school or schools? 他们的研究和专业活动的范围是什么?
  • Faculty-student relationships: Are faculty accessible and committed to teaching? 是否有“门户开放”政策?
  • Are there opportunities for 临床项目, writing, law review, moot court, etc.?
  • 有哪些学生支持项目? 如适用,提供哪些少数族裔或残疾学生服务?
  • 你们为暑期见习提供什么就业服务? What career services are offered to help you investigate your options and find employment at graduation? What are the bar passage rates in the state(s) in which most of your graduates take the bar exam? 毕业生的就业记录如何? Are graduates finding employment in the geographic areas you are interested in? 毕业生的平均工资或中位数是多少?
  • Cost of attendance: Consider both tuition costs and the cost of living as both can vary widely between schools and cities. You cannot ignore the cost, but neither can you use it as your only criterion. 考虑成本和潜在债务以及其他因素, 确保你是出于正确的理由选择了正确的学校.
  • 学生们在哪里找工作? (地方、地区、全国)
  • 学生是去大公司、小公司还是中型公司? 政府? 公司?
  • Is the school committed to those students who are interested in public interest careers? 它是如何为这些学生服务的? 这类职业有贷款减免吗?
  • 有多少公司在学校面试,来自国家的哪些地区?
  • 学生参加招聘会吗?
  • Is there a network of contacts which could help you obtain jobs in a particular geographical area or in an area of law in which you are interested?
  • 是否有一个支持学生寻求司法见习的网络?
  • 有多少百分比的学生寻求并得到了书记员的工作? 职员都在哪里?
  • Are clerking opportunities available in your city for students during the school year?
  • What percentage of your third-year classes have jobs lined up by winter break?
  • 你们为少数民族学生提供了哪些资源?
  • What percentage of jobs does the career placement office secure for students, 还有多少学生自己找工作? 有多少全职员工在就业办公室工作?
  • 为学生和毕业生提供哪些就业服务?
  • 毕业生找到工作的比例是多少? 有多少人是通过校内招聘找到工作的?
  • 有多少毕业生在你们学校周边地区实习?
  • How do you help students and graduates find jobs outside the region around your school?
  • 你们的毕业生毕业后从事什么工作?
  • How many students find summer or part-time employment through the law school?
  • How much does class rank determine the job search success of your graduates?


American law schools require applicants to take the 法学院入学考试(LSAT), 这是由 法学院入学委员会.

The LSAT is not a test of knowledge; rather it is a test of 批判性思维 ability, 阅读理解和写作. 学生可以单独准备考试, 使用书本和练习测试, 也可以参加由商业公司提供的LSAT备考课程.


申请法学院, 学生提交申请, 推荐信(或电子评估), 个人陈述, 一个个人简历, 所有学业成绩单和LSAT成绩. However, students don’t have to prepare individual submissions for each law school. Law schools require applicants to use the LSAC as the portal for application material.

甚至早在大一的时候,学生们就被鼓励去参观 LSAC网站, which offers a wealth of information on law schools and on the application process and create an account. 然后, 在大三或大四的时候, 学生向LSAC支付费用,开始制作申请材料.

Each student must make the choice that is best for their individual needs – but to do so, 完成一些严肃的研究, 计划一次拜访. The pre-law advisor has materials from many law schools available for review. LSAC和 美国律师协会 (ABA)还发布了一份经ABA批准的法学院的年度官方指南, 法律预科顾问办公室有. 另外, the LSAC's web site has extensive information on each law school and links to individual schools at the LSAC官方指南,美国律师协会批准的法学院.




校本 students considering law are encouraged to join the 校本 Pre-law Society, 在学年中通常每个月开一次会. The 法律系的 Society has hosted numerous admissions representatives from regional, 美国律师协会认证的法学院. 定期, 法律预科协会组织了去法学院的旅行, 包括德克萨斯理工大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 参观和参加现场或模拟课程. 博士联系. 布兰登Metroka metroka@uiwtx.edu 将被添加到协会的画布中, Engage and other social media pages and to learn how to join the organization.


校本 students are encouraged to attend the annual Law School Fair held at UTSA each fall. 另外, 学生可以去休斯顿参加一年一度的法学院论坛, 由法学院入学委员会赞助. 最后,我们鼓励您参观St. 圣安东尼奥的玛丽法学院以及附近的其他法学院.