Dr. Chunling妞妞

Dr. Chunling妞妞

助理教授 Office Location: Gorman Business and 教育 Center (GB), Office 231 电话: (210) 829-3133

Dr. Chunling妞妞 is a program evaluator and educational research methodologist specialized in causal inference approaches, 性能评估, 课堂评估, 适应性测试和辅导, systematic evaluation of teacher education/teaching effectiveness, 以及学校的改革和改进. She currently teaches program evaluation theory and methods, 定性, 定量, 研究生阶段的混合方法. 在获得学士学位之前.D. at 西肯塔基大学 with a specialization in Organizational 领导 and Program Evaluation in 2015, Dr. Niu focused her teaching and research on second language acquisition, ESL and cultural responsiveness in P-12 education. The following six years of her post-doc work and other employment experiences highlighted the use of causal inference and mixed-method approaches in evaluating various state-level and/or federal-level educational and social work programs. Dr. Niu's most recent interests in research/evaluation turned to complex measurement modeling in 性能评估/measurement and adaptive testing/tutoring, which led to her acquisition of a second doctorate degree in Quantitative and Psychometric Methods at the University of Kentucky in 2021.

As a doctoral student and later a clinical program evaluator, Dr. Niu发表了论文, 海报, and/or symposiums at various national and international conferences with organizations such as the National Council on Measurement in 教育, 国际心理测量学会, 国际客观测量研讨会, 美国心理学会, 全国养父母协会, American Association of Colleges for Teacher 教育 and American 教育 Research Association. Dr. Niu has also authored and co-authored over thirty articles published in various peer-reviewed journals such as Research in the Teaching of English, 评估和方案规划, 儿童和家庭服务检讨, 积极行为干预杂志, 临床社会工作杂志, 侵略杂志, 虐待, 和创伤, 儿童及青少年服务检讨, 儿童及家庭社会工作, The Field Educator and Journal of Technology in Human Services, 等.

Dr. Niu has always felt strongly motivated to improving the public awareness of and access to learning and applying various evaluation/measurement methods. 作为一名专业的项目评估员, she had been committed to empowering community members to increase their active roles in data collection and management, as well as program evaluation design development and refinement. 作为一名方法学家, she co-led a peer-support organization called the Applied Psychometrics Society, offering free research and evaluations methods consultation services to researchers, 评价者, professionals and/or learners from various disciplines/fields.

Specialization: Psychometrics, Assessment and Measurement, and Program Evaluation

Specialization: 教育al Assessment, Program Evaluation, and Organizational

Specialization: Translation Studies and Simultaneous Interpretation

Specialization: Translation and Interpretation

妞妞,C.布拉德利,K.萨姆普森,S.金,R.夏阳.沈,L.张,J.吴,R. & 李,N.

(2021年6月). Simulation study: Evaluating Rater Category Ordering with the JMLRasch-MFRM Model in Facets. Poster presented for the 2021 National Council on Measurement in 教育 (NCME) Annual Meeting, 巴尔的摩, MD.

妞妞,C.布拉德利,K.威尔逊,n.n., & 金,R. (2021年4月). Simulation Study: The Effects of Missing Data on the Partial Credit Trees DIF Detection Performance. Poster presented at the 2021 American 教育al Research Association (AERA) Annual Virtual Meeting

妞妞,C.布拉德利,K.金,R., & 威尔逊,N. (2020年7月). A Simulation Study: Comparing the DIF Detection Capacities of the Rasch Trees Model Tests to Two Common DIF Approaches for Partial Credit Models. Poster presented at the 2020 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), 学院公园, MD

妞妞,C. (2020年4月). A MC Simulation Study: The Influence of Missing Data on FIML

多层扫描电镜的估计. Poster presented at the 2020 American 教育al

Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA

米勒,J. J.牛,C., & 喜怒无常,年代. (2020). Child welfare workers and peritraumatic distress: The impact of COVID-19. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105508.

米勒,J.牛,C., & 喜怒无常,年代. (2019). Investigating the Child Trauma Knowledge of Adoptive Parents: An Exploratory Study. 领养季刊,21(3),1-18,DOI: 10.1080/10926755.2019.1579134.

米勒,J.牛,C.绍尔,C.鲍曼,K., Segress, M., & K·本纳. (2018). Foster Parents’ Knowledge of Child Trauma: An Exploratory Study. 侵略杂志, 虐待, 和创伤, 27(5), 505-522. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1422839.

迪特里希,年代.牛,C., & Zippay C. (2018). The Path to a Model Curriculum in Clinical Teacher 教育. 教师教育之路,28(2),44-54.

妞妞,C.艾佛森,K.迪特里希,S., & Zippay C. (2017). Validity Issues in Assessing Dispositions: The Confirmatory Factor Analysis of A Teacher Dispositions Form.

Journal of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, 26(2), 41-49.

张,我.牛,C.Shahbaz, M.安德森,R。., & Nguyen-Jahiel K. (2016). What Makes a More Proficient Discussion Group in English language Learners’ Classrooms?

Influence of Teacher Talk and Student Backgrounds. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(2), 183-208.

Swimming, hiking, opera, Beijing opera, playing Guzheng, and reading/writing Chinese classical poems

  • 定性的方法
  • 项目评估理论
  • 学生事务中的当代问题
  • Causal inference approach in evaluation/research
  • 混合方法评价/研究
  • 评级中介绩效评估
  • 认知诊断
  • 适应性测试和辅导
  • 数据挖掘和机器学习
  • Teacher education and teaching effectiveness

"Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous."
